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Rigorous training

As soon as you sign up for any of our lead generation service, our on-boarding team starts its work. Detailed sessions with your sales team to understand your business process is the first step. Once the team is confident they understand your business and sales process, they make a training manual upon which our web receptionists are trained. As soon as we get an approval on the training manual, a rigorous training of our web receptionists starts and only ends once they understand what is expected of them from you, the client. They go live on your website only after your approval.

Turn Key Implementation

Integrating our lead generation solution is a very simple 2 minute job for your website manager. We send you a small code snippet that has to be copy pasted on your website and you are done. Once it is done, we initiate everything from our end to make sure the software runs smoothly. For the first 2 weeks, our dev team keeps an eye on your website to make sure nothing malfunctions.

Fine tuning and Feedback

Once we go live, the first 4 weeks are very important. We change our engagement strategy every week to see what works best. Our QA goes through every engagement and rates it based on the customer’s response to further analyze how we will engage your web traffic moving forward. After the first month, we setup monthly calibration meetings with your sales team to get their feedback which helps us fine tune the program further.


Yes. All our chats reps are trained professionals who understand the importance of building relationships with customers starting from the very first interaction. We understand how competitive the automotive industry is and that how using the right words and giving value to the customer can increase your sales.

Once a client signs up with us, we take at-least 2 weeks to go live on their website, sometimes even more depending upon the extent of training required. Below is the process of training we follow:

  • We send the client a questionnaire that has 20 to 25 questions about their business, the products they have, their speciality, what would they require our Live Chat reps to do(Customer Support, Sales etc.), the definition of a qualified lead etc. Clients fill that questionnaire and send it back to us. (This is where the clients tell us about their products so no matter how specialized the product is; we can have a grip on the product knowledge.). If they have any brochures or documentation on their products, we appreciate if they can send it to us as that helps us in training.

  • Once the client sends us the filled questionnaire, our training teams starts working on a training manual based on that questionnaire. This takes around 2 to 3 business days. Once the training manual is made, it is checked internally and then sent to the client for their approval. If they require us to make any changes in the training manual, we make the changes and once it is approved, we start the training process.

  • The training of Live Chat reps takes at-least 5 to 6 Business days where:

    • The first part is them getting familiar with their website, Products and sitemap (1 day at-least).
    • In the second part of the training, our trainers start the training of reps based on the training manual. They discuss the Do(s) and Don’t(s) mentioned in the training manual and give their feedback regarding what approach might be best to make a sale online(if possible) or capture the prospect’s contact details.(3-days).
    • The third part of training is a final test. Our trainers do mock chats with the reps, based on different scenarios that they might have to face on chat. At the end of this part we discuss the mock chats and how a scenario may have been handled in a better way. (1 – 2 days).

  • Once training is complete from our end, we do a test run on a client’s website where we ask the clients to have test chats with our reps and give their feedback. After this we ask the client for a green light if they are satisfied with the training. If they are, we go Live otherwise we work on the feedback that client gives and do a test run again.

Yes, we will customize it for you. The chat window that will be integrated on your website will be custom designed to look just like a part of your website. We can make them in any size and shape, any color and we will also brand the chat windows with the logo of your company to make it look more welcoming for the customers. Our chat window is designed in a way that it works on Mobile phones, Tablets and PCs so no matter where the visitor is chatting from, your chat window will shine.

The minimum ROI that we have promise car dealers is atleast 12 times the amount they pay us. This is not just a random number. We have proved this in the past and are confident will keep on achieving more than this in future. Talk to one of our sales reps today to know more.


WebDealer Solutions INC | 64 Clayhall Cresent Toronto, ON M3J 1 W6, Canada
General Enquiries: | Phone: 647-360-4488 |